Fantasy… not for me

The otherworldliness of fantasy books

Attractive to many readers looks

The quintessential fight between evil and good

Fits better in a make-believe world than it would

In a story set in the real world full of cynicism

While in a world full of magic, sorcery and mysticism

The writer is unfettered in his craft, he has free reign

To take the story in different directions, unconstrained

By the limits of space, time or plausibility

No one can question the credibility

Of a world dystopian or phantasmagorical

That allows readers to escape the world real..


I am a voracious reader but I do not endorse

The fantasy genre of books because

To escape to an alternate reality is not

For me, an interesting or intriguing thought

Strange creatures and dystopian universes I find

Too morbid and disturbing for my mind..


I gloss over the fantasy books that my child reads

To immerse myself in stories set in the real world I proceed

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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