A blue space for my headspace

Water bodies are relaxing to be around, we know intuitively

But staring at water can also be a form of therapy

A few minutes of looking at a river, lake or sea

Can drop your stress levels, provide tranquility


Instinctively we seek places with water in sight

Such blue spaces are for our senses a delight

But in modern urban living where our weekdays are spent

Cooped up in cubicles, despite our best intent

We may not have access to an aquatic oasis every day

We have to identify water bodies in creative ways


Fortunately the benefit of staring at water can be

Achieved by staring small ponds or fountains, as the case may be

The healing power of water is profound

Based on individual experience and science sound

Water is immersive, quite literally

Therefore once again, I must go down to the sea..*

*Tribute to John Masefield’s poem Sea Fever-“I must go down to the sea again..”

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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