The uninspired blogger

I thought hard, I thought some more

Sat in solitude, with eyes closed, quite sure

That any minute inspiration would strike me

And I would come up with an idea that could be

Expanded upon to create a brilliant verse

But this did not seem to be the plan the Universe

Had for me that day, at least at that moment

I felt annoyed, I needed new content

To post- as a social media influencer wannabe

I had to will myself to post content regularly

My relevance depended on how frequent

My posts were, how interesting my content

I tried to be disciplined about posting, and yet

No inspiration, no new ideas I had been able to get

In over a week, of course I did know

Not posting soon would deliver a major blow

To my fledgling subscriber count, I confess

Somehow I had to find a way to express

Some thoughts, original or not

And that is how I came to jot

Down this verse describing the conundrum

Finally I have managed to piece together some

Material for my blog, though not the best

At least I did not fail the influencer’s test!

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

4 thoughts on “The uninspired blogger

  1. You always ‘pass’ with flying colors! **how does she do that–think of a long rhyming poem every day?** If I don’t see a Prompt for the day, I panic. Silent Sunday and Wordless Wednesday don’t do it for me–I need a word! You do just fine.


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