It’s not all in her head!

She opened her mouth to protest but could not

Speak up that it wasn’t just in her head, she had also thought

For the longest time that her symptoms bothersome

Were figments of her imagination, that would go and come

Previously, based on her overall emotional state

But they had become more persistent of late

Causing limitations impacting her life from day to day

She herself could no longer explain them away

So she had made an appointment to address

Her concerns, but it looked like she made no progress


The doctor had listened carefully and then explained

All basic blood tests were fine, and that her pain

Was mostly a product of undue stress and less exercise

“Take it easy and be more active,” was his advice..


She had an intuition that something was not right

But who was she, after all, to fight

The doctor’s assessment, her tests were fine too

Exercise more regularly was what she would try to do..


She tried to follow the advice but in a few weeks

New symptoms appeared, she felt more weak

She sought medical attention but the answer seemed the same

She resigned to the idea that she herself was to blame


One day at work she had a ministroke

That was the event that then broke

The endless cycle of being told it was in her head

More thorough investigations revealed an underlying cause instead

With correct treatment and many of her symptoms disappeared

She felt “normal” for the first time in a few years…


When you talk about any chronic illness

Chances are it would be worse with stress

But women’s symptoms have a long history

Of being dismissed summarily

It is time to view women’s health with a perspective new

Women’s symptoms are very much real too!

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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