Solve for Sustainability

As a mass of humanity, we continue to grow

At an unprecedented pace, sometimes we do not know

How to best allocate resources for which we all compete

Many resources are finite, and we continue to deplete

Them faster than ever as our needs expand

Placing undue pressure on habitable land

Crowded cities with skyscrapers and traffic congestion everywhere

Are increasing, there is no availability of land spare..


So far we have solved issues facing a growing population

By traditional methods focused on continued exploitation

Of natural resources that are now dwindling fast

In order to build a future that can last

We have to look at ways more creative

To sustainability more thought we need to give


My humble opinion therefore is that we must

Teach our children to think of sustainability first

As they learn and sharpen problem-solving skills

Judicious and just use of resources is a value we should instill

In them, so that they have a sustainable future ahead

With enough to keep each denizen of the planet well-fed


I must ensure I do as I say, not just talk the talk

Towards a sustainable future, my child shall walk

I hope he shall grow up to solve problems grave

And find solutions that shall this fragile planet save

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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