Eat real food

Why does the ingredient list on my “health” bar read

Like that of a complex chemical concoction indeed

I have difficulty recognizing the names that do not

Appear to have any relation to food- it seems I have bought

A list of chemicals melted together to create

Something deemed edible for my palate..

The caloric and carbohydrate content of this food item is low

But whether its ingredients are healthy, I do not know

Ultra-processed and artificial in every way

This barely seems like something I should eat every day


Let me go to the produce section and some staples find

It seems daunting to cook them but I’ve made up mind

Not to eat food with labels unpronounceable

In fact l should eat food that does not need to be labeled

There are ways to eat real food dressed with aromatic herbs

That is infinitely more satisfying and helps to curb

Untimely hunger pangs that follow intake of processed food

Eating real food is essential- with this I conclude

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

2 thoughts on “Eat real food

    1. A few years ago there was a series of lectures in the American College of cardiology meeting on diet and cardiovascular disease. They ended with the same conclusion from Michael Pollan.

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