Employee Recognition

When you work in a corporate set-up you feel

Most of the time, no more than a cog in the wheel

That you are replaceable is the impression you get

Your stable position can easily be upset..


Above and beyond you try to go

At first, but you never get to know

If your efforts are being appreciated at all

Between you and the management there is a thick wall


Then one day, out of the blue, you find

The administration has decided to be kind

And recognized your contribution to the workplace

You receive an award and become the new face

Of your organization, this is your moment to shine

If you were going to stay here for a while, this is your sign


In order to retain employees prized

Their contributions must be recognized

Individuals make an organization, therefore

They should be made to feel valued more

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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