Daily affirmation

Let nothing ruffle my feathers- let me be

Able to face life every day with equanimity

This is what I hope for as I begin each day

But as infinitesimal roadblocks emerge along the way

The cool as a cucumber attitude I was trying to adopt

Goes out of the window more often than not

Some obstacles are tolerable while others leave me

Frustrated that things are not the way they should be..


That is life, I understand, a roller-coaster ride

And I have to learn to just take it in my stride

There are days when solutions are easy to find

Then there are days when life seems particularly unkind

For those days I have to just learn to place

My trust in a higher authority that I can face

All the curveballs that life throws at me

And emerge stronger on the other side definitely


I end as I began- let my feathers unruffled stay

As I get ready to begin another blessed day

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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