I know I am right…

Sometimes a curious dilemma I face

Recognizing in a patriarchal society my place

I do not correct men when they are clearly wrong

They are used to being right, so I go along

With what they are saying or if I really feel the need

To correct them, I try to do so very subtly indeed

I raise my point as a question, sounding unsure

As if asking them to humor me, I’ve encountered before

That if I interject boldly or point out their mistake

Often an ugly turn the conversation seems to take

Since I am subordinate to them, I stand to lose much more

That their egos are not injured, I must ensure..


You would say this is all in my mind

But if another man says the same thing as me, I find

It is received much more positively

Because it poses no threat to patriarchy..


To be a woman smarter than her peers

Sometimes like a double-edged sword appears

On the one hand, women have to be twice as capable as men

To get half the credit for their work, but when

They outsmart their male colleagues they stand to lose

Therefore to dumb themselves down or stay quiet they choose..


To shatter glass ceilings, women will continue

And keep outsmarting men too..

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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