Not so observant

I do not consider myself especially observant

I seem to notice things around me to a limited extent

I definitely do not keep my eyes and ears open that wide

I am mostly lost in the thoughts I harbor inside..


I would say (at the risk of sounding like I’m bragging)

One area in which my observation powers are not lagging

Is in my work as a physician, quite perceptive I seem to be

I can recognize subtle signs of illness and injury

Pick up clues that many seem to miss

Many seemingly irrelevant details I don’t dismiss


If only I were as observant elsewhere

I would find inspiration to write stories I could share

With the world- a tale I would weave

Around an anecdote, I certainly believe

That great authors have amazing perception indeed

To build a story a vignette is all they need..

Published by Docpoet

A mother, a physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

2 thoughts on “Not so observant

  1. I am reading Pat Conroy’s “My Reading Life” (a truly wonderful book) and he talks about how he observes and writes down words and things that will launch him into writing. Great insight into the writing process.

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