spring leavesWhat are your favorite spices?

Cardamom- reminds me of fragrant chai (tea), basmati rice, endless desserts and home (India)!

What object do you always have with you when traveling and why?

A book or two- I always read while traveling, the bookworm that I am. I can remember trips by the books I read during my journey!

What is one thing you love about being an adult?

Realizing that I can break the preconceived notions that I had inherited from my parents..

What item, that you don’t have already, would you most like to own?

A large, sunny room with a desk for reading and writing

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for several long-awaited projects finally beginning to materialize…I am looking forward to taking them to the next level.

Published by iheart11

A 30-something year old woman, physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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