(AI generated image)

We learnt to store an inordinate amount of information

In our hippocampi, we learnt data analysis and pattern recognition

To synthesize a patient’s complaints and tests

Into a diagnosis, and then treat it to the best

Of our abilities is what we have been taught

No one told us that one day we would not

Be the only ones capable of doing what we do

That Artificial Intelligence would encroach upon us too..


Each study with AI seems to suggest

That AI is a better clinician than the rest

Of us, should we be worried indeed?

Would our expertise the world still need?


Would the “DocGPT” make eye contact

Would the sanctity of patient-physician relationship stay intact

What would AI do if patient management fell outside the norm

How would AI in complex situations perform?

Would AI understand cultural nuances in healthcare

In shared decision-making with patients, how would AI fare?

Would AI read every minor abnormality on an imaging study

That is inconsequential to the overall health evidently..

Some say AI would free us humans up to do more

Of talking to and examining patients, like we were trained for..

How would we compete with AI that has stored data vast

We cannot learn that much that fast..


Are we going to enter an era that is new

Where robots, just like humans diagnose and treat too

To do it right would require some ingenuity

So humans and AI can work simultaneously

Published by iheart11

A 30-something year old woman, physician by profession, fiercely passionate about work, family, travel and fashion..

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