The Relationship

Introduced to each other by a mutual acquaintance Both accepted the introduction with mutual nonchalance Not particularly inclined to strike a meaningful conversation They made small talk out of politeness, with some hesitation Then came the innocuous comment that inspired Both of them to laugh- in that moment fate seemed to have conspired To drawContinue reading “The Relationship”

The Magic of the Holidays

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”Hamilton Wright Mabie Holiday lights twinkled all around Powdery snow was sprinkled all over the ground The stores were lit brightly, music wafted through the doors She waited for the holidays to take their course Knowing that the gaiety pervading the airContinue reading “The Magic of the Holidays”

Wedding album

Excited, full of nervous anticipation When I circled around the sacred fire With you, following our ancient tradition My eyes brimming with hope and desire Having avowed to seven, not just one Lives to be spent bound by matrimony Each moment to be lived together in unison Serious commitment was cloaked in ceremony And so we began, with dreamsContinue reading “Wedding album”